In her book Tweak It: Make What Matters to You Happen Every Day, Cali Yost reveals strategies that she uses to help clients achieve a better work-life fit. "Twenty years ago, the clocks on the wall told us when work ended and the rest of life began. Now there are no boundaries, so people can't figure out when to finish a project vs. when to go to the gym, or when to follow up with a prospect vs. when to send a birthday card to their mother." Cali adds, "Knowing how to manage your day-to-day work-life fit is a modern skill set that you need in order to succeed."
We all have expectations that we think we need to live up to and when we feel that we've missed the mark, we tend to get overly judgmental with ourselves. That is why the second item on our holiday list for you is:
We all have expectations that we think we need to live up to and when we feel that we've missed the mark, we tend to get overly judgmental with ourselves. That is why the second item on our holiday list for you is:
#2) Be kind to yourself when juggling your career and home life.
Your home and work worlds are constantly changing and colliding; try as you might, there is no perfect balance. But there are ways to organize your career to bring more harmony to your home so that everyone is happy - especially you. At Ty Boyd, our faculty coach our with clients to do something everyday to improve their communication skills. It may seem small when you are in the thick of it, but daily consistent practice will amount to something big down the road. There is no doubt, communication skills become more polished with practice. The same can be said of a work-life balance. It can be achieved through small, consistent, everyday changes that cumulatively will optimize your job performance and overall well-being. But keep in mind that achieving a work-life balance is a journey and that your needs will be different at different times in your life.
Set aside some time to reflect on your current work-life balance. What you would like it to be? And what is the plan to get there?
Your home and work worlds are constantly changing and colliding; try as you might, there is no perfect balance. But there are ways to organize your career to bring more harmony to your home so that everyone is happy - especially you. At Ty Boyd, our faculty coach our with clients to do something everyday to improve their communication skills. It may seem small when you are in the thick of it, but daily consistent practice will amount to something big down the road. There is no doubt, communication skills become more polished with practice. The same can be said of a work-life balance. It can be achieved through small, consistent, everyday changes that cumulatively will optimize your job performance and overall well-being. But keep in mind that achieving a work-life balance is a journey and that your needs will be different at different times in your life.
Set aside some time to reflect on your current work-life balance. What you would like it to be? And what is the plan to get there?
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