Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Year's Career Resolutions

Thanks to our sluggish economy, it's easy to make excuses for not advancing your career or looking for a new position even if you are miserable in your current role. Once you've convinced yourself that there are no opportunities out there or that it's too risky to make a move in this economy, you give yourself a pass to do nothing. But doing nothing can cost you.

You might not be doing anything to further yourself, but smart employees are always positioning themselves for the next big opportunity - especially in an economy like ours. If you stay put and do nothing, you are going to be behind the eight ball and behind your competition when the economy picks up again.

So, let's make a few New Year's career resolutions, shall we?

I know it's not fair, but how we look matters in the workplace. There's a reason why getting fit and losing weight is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions. You don't have to look like George Clooney or Anne Hathaway, but you do need to be polished and professional because presentation counts. Be advised that casual dress doesn't mean slovenly. You should dress as you want to be seen: somebody who is serious, professional and moving up the ladder. Throw away those left-over Christmas cookies and start taking care of yourself.

A recent survey of New Year's resolutions found that getting organized was on the top of most people's list. How about starting with your resume? If you haven't done so in a while, chances are your resume needs some updating. Writing and updating a resume can be a daunting task - the challenge of summing up your career on one page and making it sound both compelling and irresistible is overwhelming. But if your current resume still lists positions that you held twenty years ago, you need to get busy. The good news is that resumes are submitted electronically these days so you won't have to agonize over the decision to go with bright white or creamy ivory.

Who hasn't put "spend more time with family and friends" in their top ten list of New Year's resolutions? It's a great career resolution, as well. If you have been lax regarding participation in a professional group, start networking! Focus on ways to make connections and don't rule out social networking. A few minutes on LinkedIn will result in many contacts from your current and prior employers, your customers, your vendors, and your college or university. Every contact has the potential to help you grow your career.

And last, but not least, how about learning something new in 2012? Consider learning to communicate more effectively. It will have a tremendous positive impact in all areas of your life. Expect an increase in happiness, confidence and successful social interaction. Knowing how to express yourself properly is the best gift you can give yourself. Sure, specialized business knowledge is important for any career, but it doesn't guarantee success because no matter how brilliant or invaluable your ideas are, they are worthless unless you can communicate them to others.

Happy New Year from the Ty Boyd Team and best of luck with your resolutions. Let us know if we can help you learn something new in 2012!

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