Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ben Does Life. Passionately.

I first learned about Ben Davis in the December issue of Runner's World magazine.

But long before I tuned in, Davis' YouTube video "My 120 Pound Journey" received more than 1.5 million views, his blog, "Ben Does Life" went viral, he was a guest on NBC's Today Show, and he signed a book deal to write about his incredible journey. In January 2009 Ben Davis made the decision to get a grip, get himself out of his depression and do life. Ever since I found him, I cannot get enough of him. 

His is an inspirational journey, for sure. Ben Davis started running, started a blog to document his success and as a result he started living. To date he has lost 120 pounds and while I have no intention of becoming a runner, I am still motivated by Ben's story. Even if you are at your goal weight, fit as a fiddle, and healthy to boot, Ben Davis' advice that "the journey's not going to be easy, but the end results are worth it" can be applied to any struggle in life. His blog is entertaining and well-written. He is honest, vulnerable and real. His message is simple and powerful and his passion is palpable: "If you want to do something with your life, if you really want to do it, just do it. I promise that you can. You just have to do it. And when you do, you'll be happier for it."

Davis is an average, everyday hero whose passion inspires people of all walks of life...all over the world. His initial quest for happiness lead him on a journey that constantly presents new and exciting opportunities. Along with is brother and father, Ben Davis started a grassroots movement called "Do Life" - essentially taking the idea behind "Ben Does Life" and applying it to any body's life. This past summer, the three Davis runners set out across America and Canada to host their first annual Do Life Tour. Not all of the participants in the 5K events had lost weight; some had quit smoking, some had changed careers, some had removed themselves from debt or ended drug and alcohol addictions, and some were taking their very first steps on their journey to happiness. Doing life is really about taking responsibility for decisions and making the necessary changes - it can be applied to any aspect of your life.

Ben Davis embodies passion. He discovered what he loves, what makes him happy and his joy has spilled over into all areas of his life - as is evident when you read his blog. I have not had the pleasure of hearing him speak in public, but something tells me I would enjoy it immensely. He has the power to harness his passion into his written words, so I assume he can do it with the spoken word, as well. Having that skill in his back pocket puts him on the road to becoming a master communicator. All of the other tools that every speaker needs like a voice, a smile, eye contact, gestures, body language, organization, etc., can be learned and polished. But, Ben's passion is not something he learned, it's something he ignited and wanted to share. That's why we at Ty Boyd Executive Communications & Coaching get so emotional about learning presentation skills; it's not about packing your speaking toolbox with a bunch of practical skills, it's about self-empowerment. Once you have that passion and the tools you need to share it, you are able to communicate with an audience at a whole new level.

Ben did not embark on his journey alone. He often uses the words "we" or "us" when he writes about his training  - referring to his brother and father who have been at his side every step of the way. A journey is always more fun when you can share it with others.

We hope you'll let Ty Boyd, Inc. join you on your journey to becoming a better communicator.

Laurie Reid manages the written word at Ty Boyd Executive Communications & Coaching producing Words Well Spoken, Ty Boyd's newsletter as well as electronic communications to our clients. Since graduating from the Excellence in Speaking class in April of 2011, Laurie has not stopped speaking. Her colleagues are hoping that she takes up running....

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